RxCE - Refined Cannabis Extract

A Fast Simple Way to Make Refined Cannabis Oil in the Kitchen.

Spring 2025 Update

15 March 2023

R.x.C.E - Refined Cannabis Extract Oil, Faster, Cleaner and Cheaper. 

In the early 2000’s, Rick Simpson brought the healing quality of cannabis oil to the masses using simple extraction techniques. In the larger picture of extraction processes, this methodology is simple and oils are crude. Crude No Longer!

Introducing RxCE - Refined Cannabis Extract, the fastest to make cannabis oil. This simple and holistic process produces a purer more potent oil that can be vaped. With RxCE, you can use 2oz dried plant material and make winterized decarbed oil in 2-3 hours versus 2-3 days using the traditional methods. 

Plus, RxCE uses only kitchen gear to make oil, no lab gear or vacuum pumps needed. RxCE is the result of three years of research, and it's now easy for anyone to make cleaner, more potent cannabis oil in less time.

In addition, RxCE is 'solvent agnostic' meaning you are free to use either Ethanol throughout or a combination of Isopropyl for the initial extraction then finish with Ethanol for final oil. If you have concerns about using solvents, you are encouraged to read CHS's study on solvent safety

First, lets briefly look at the history of making cannabis oil. Cannabis has been around mankind for thousands of years, with major advances in processing started with advances in chemistry during the industrial revolution. 

   11000 BC  Cannabis has been part of man’s history for thousands of years       

     3000 BC  Hashish becomes the first concentrate 

     1800 AD  Tinctures available in the 1800s

     1940 AD  CBD identified by Dr Roger Adams

     1964 AD  THC identified by Professor Rafael Mechoulam

     1971 AD  Dgold published “Cannabis Alchemy” detailing how to make oil

     1993 AD  The Endocannabinoid Ananamide discovered by Professor Rafael Mechoulam

     2003 AD  Rick Simpson popularized making oil to cure his cancer

     2012 AD  Graywolf Publishes QWET & QWISO improvements which have become

                        the standard for making oil at home. 

     2023 AD  Refined x Cannabis Extract is published for optimizing QWET

The groundwork was laid for consumers making oil when DGold published his seminal book, Cannabis Alchemy, back in 1971. He showed how to make oil, and also how to isomerize CBD into Delta-8 THC.

In the late 1980s, an interesting receptor in the human body was discovered. This was the initial discovery that unveiled the human body's endocannabinoid system. In the 1993 Professor Raphael Mechoulam discovered the body's own version of THC, naming it Anandamide using the root word Ananda in Sanscrit meaning bliss. Quoting Perplexity.AI, "By the mid-1990s, the foundational elements of the ECS had been discovered, laying the groundwork for the explosion of research that would follow in subsequent years". It is the endocannabinoid system that allows cannabis to influence our health in many different ways. This discovery is the death-knell to the FDA's Schedule 1 classification of cannabis 'having no medical value'.  

In 2003 Rick Simpson popularized cannabis oil by showing it had cured his skin cancer. His oil became known as RSO, short for Rick Simpson Oil. Unfortunately, his simple process for making oil offers no refinement of the crude resins. This lack of refinement limits the potency of the oil to about 35% total cannabinoids, with the remaining 65% being waxes, phospholipids and plant material. 

Ten years later, Graywolf published the QWET and QWISO extraction methods focused on eliminating waxes and limiting chlorophyll content. The resulting jump in quality allows the oil to reach the theoretical maximum of 80% total cannabinoids. BTW, all solvent extraction tops out around 80% total cannabinoids enforced by the well known 80/20 rule. Attaining higher percentages requires advanced processing that makes distillates and isolates. In response to good science, the cannabis industry adopted QWET/QWISO thus making winterization a standard refinement step in processing cannabis oil. Many consumer devices from Extract Craft, Drizzle, Medxtractor and others all use QWET/QWISO for their solvent extraction step.

Now ten years later, Cannabis Home Sciences has introduced RxCE for quickly making cleaner, cheaper cannabis oil. RxCE was developed with the goal of being able to do room temperature winterization with this video providing the inspiration. The changes are few but dramatic. Starting with a simple discovery with distilled water and reordering the steps, the time to reach final oil has been drastically reduced. In the end, it turns out RxCE optimizes the QWET/QWISO processes by aligning it more with the cooking oil industry. You can read all about the RxCE innovations below.

Cost saving are more in line with the QWISO process that uses Isopropyl Alcohol rather than 4x expensive Ethanol. As mentioned earlier, CHS has published a study on solvent safety which is a deep dive into how the body metabolizes these solvents. It turns the grass roots Ethanol-Only argument upside down based on science.

Discussion - Making Cleaner oil

Rick Simpson oil, aka RSO, is made by simple alcohol extraction into an unrefined crude oil. Looking across the isle, the Cooking Oil industry has a well-defined refinement process that has been in place for decades. One refinement step that has been applied to RxCE is Water Degumming which removes phospholipids. It has been observed that by adding distilled water to the distillation step, a purer non-polar resin is produced. This approach challenges the long-held belief that water is a problem to be avoided at all costs. Water is not the problem, it's the solution! By removing water-soluble compounds before winterization, the resins are in a purer state that promotes Rapid Winterization.

Refining the Oil

Classic cannabis winterization is performed by washing the plant using the QWET or QWISO process. However, there is too much alcohol for an optimal winterization. It takes too long to freeze that volume of liquid. This issue has been resolved by moving winterization to follow distillation. This allows the use of smaller amounts of expensive Ethanol for isolating the waxes. By reducing the amount of alcohol down to a 10:1 ratio of alcohol to oil, winterization can now be performed on as little as a few ounces of alcohol instead of quarts or gallons. With this process, an hour is sufficient for freezing the waxes thus reducing the time needed for winterization instead of 12-24-36 hours. The waxes can be filtered out through the standard kitchen paper coffee filter or folded paper napkin. 

Solvent Agnostic, within reason.. 

And the best part? You can use either Ethanol throughout or Isopropyl, Acetone or Ethyl Acetate for the initial bulk extraction and then Ethanol for the final reduction. Here is the next assumption to be overcome - the fear of Isopropyl Alcohol. This is a quick read on Isopropyl's chemistry and regulation for use in extractions. A more extensive study has been published on solvent safety. This study shows how these solvents are metabolized by the human body and how much is actually in the oil. The conclusion is a game changer for the consumer world. 

What is the Recommended Solvent?

From a human body perspective, Isopropyl Alcohol is recommended for the bulk extraction due to it's safer metabolite compared to Ethanol which metabolizes into carcinogenic Acetaldehyde. Best of all, lab tests prove this process produces clean oil with undetectable residual solvents.

Looking closer, Isopropyl alcohol has the best chemical characteristics, is the best bio-friendly solvent in trace quantities, and fit's the budget. Contaminant-free medical-grade Isopropyl is available and costs significantly less than Ethanol. Here in Oregon, USA, a single gallon of 99% USP-NF medical grade Isopropyl costing around $35, while a gallon of 95% Ethanol costs $84.

A Better Product with a New Identity: RxCE - Refined Cannabis Extract

RxCE stands for Refined Cannabis Extract, which is the overarching category name for various product "flavors" of extract. The "X" in the name refers to the solvent used for making the oil. The product flavors are:

     R.E.C.E - Refined Ethanol Cannabis Extract (replacing FECO)

     R.I.C.E - Refined Isopropyl Cannabis Extract (replacing RSO)

     R.A.C.E - Refined Acetone Cannabis Extract

     R.E.A.E - Refined Ethyl Acetate Cannabis Extract (sounds like Ray)

These product names carry a consistent message for product differentiation.

Supporting Lab Tests

Below is a table that summarizes the Total Cannabinoids reported in each test. Test #1 was conducted in May 2021 on standard RSO, resulting in a total of 34% cannabinoids. The six subsequent tests were conducted with the incorporation of various process improvements. 

The final test resulted in an increase to 79% cannabinoids, which was achieved simply by adding distilled water to the wash and performing the Rapid Winterization, its that easy!

The seven lab tests can be seen [here] from newest to oldest.

How Does This Compare to Other Extracts?

Cannabis products have different potency levels, with crude RSO at 30-50%, Live Rosin from kief at 50-70%, and RxCE reaching 50-80%. Distillates start at 80% and go into the high 90s. Isolates are pure cannabinoids with purity around 99.9%. Distillate and isolates are higher end products that use lab gear to achieve this 80-99.999% purity.

The Trade-offs - 2025 Spring Update

Solvent Extraction has its trade-offs and RxCE is no exception. This is the fastest process to make near distillate quality oil, which is great, but with trade-offs.  

First, boiling off the alcohol in water causes emulsions that steal cannabinoids. There are two types of emulsions. Emulsions caused by hydrated phospholipids that bond oil and water together. These are the expected loses by a very light emulsion. Heavy emulsions are created by denatured proteins which occurs above 90c/195f during the first reduction. This second heavier emulsion can be avoiled simply by turning off the heat when the solution reaches 87c/190f. Let the solution cool by itself and it will vaporize any remaining alcohol.

From a recent test. The control case generated 8.8g of combined oils, waxes, etc. The RxCE test case generated 6.3g oils, 1.2g waxes, and the remaining 1.3g lost to emulsions and transfer losses. Note: The QWET/QWISO processes will lose the same wax content during winterization, but keep the phospholipds and plant proteins. 

Secondly, given this process only uses kitchen gear, it boils away the alcohol at ambient temperatures causing the loss of terpenes. A higher tech approach is needed to preserve the terpenes. A popular but pricey solution is the Source Turbo or EtOH Pro models that use vacuum to retain terpenes. 

Lastly, given that the final oil has been refined at atmospheric pressure, the oil oxidizes and turns amber/reddish in color. This is not harmful, but to some less cosmetically appealing. Vacuum systems are used to avoid this oxidation and maintain the original color.

All said, realize this process is a great improvement over RSO using very little tech. But keeping it this simple limits the ability filter the wash and retain terpenes. Removing terpenes does not affect the potency, it only reduces the classic cannabis smell and flavor. You can vape this oil and not let on you're smoking cannabis, its that mild.

Does RxCE stand for 'Red Cannabis Extract'? 

It very well could! Boiling off the alcohol at ambient air pressure, ie, not under vacuum, will expose the cannabinoids to oxygen causing oxidation. It's this oxidized color you see in the final oil, not Chlorophyll.  I have a discussion in the Shop Manual on how to make golden oil. 

Steps in making RxCE Oil

Overall, there are now four steps to make oil. This new technique is presented in the RxCE Quick Start guide as well as the deep dive RxCE Shop Manual. The shop manual covers more issues and provides a deeper exploration of each step. 

 #1 - WASH:  Wash the plant material in your solvent.

#2 - DISTILL: Add distilled water, then boil off the solvent.

#3 - WINTERIZE: Separate out the waxes. 

#4 - REDUCE:  Reduce and decarb to final oil.

#1 - Milky Emulsion from Distilling with Distilled Water.

#2 - Wax Formation During Rapid Winterization.

#3 - Final Oil from 2oz of Hemp Ready for Vaping

Making Cannabis Oil The New Way

Here's a demonstration video showing how to make make oil. This demo extracts, degums, winterizes and then decarbs 2oz of hemp into clean oil that can be vaped.

TIP: Download the Quick Start Guide for the latest step-by-step instructions. Following below is a brief overview of the step-by-step 'recipe'.

Click HERE to download the Quick Start Guide. 

Click HERE to view the Shop Manual.

(Just for fun, here is the Original RxCE Demo spool for the old timers.)

How to Make RxCE Oil in Easy to Follow Steps:  (With 2025 Spring Update changes)

Here's the 'recipe' for a 2oz run. This scales, but for example simplicity, a 2oz run is good for demonstration.

1) Wash. 

2) Distill. 

The following instructions are for small runs using an open boiler. For small runs like this, use a 2 quart pot on an electric heat source*. A moonshine still or water distiller can be used for larger runs. Refer to the RxCE Shop Manual Distilling page for in-depth instructions on these devices

3) Rapid Winterization. 

4) Reduction.

Here is what you'll see. 

Alcohol boils at 81c/178f up to 100c/212f. Any water starts boiling at 100c/212f upward to 107c/225f. C02 starts bubbling at 107c/225f up to and beyond 121c/250f. C02 bubbling will continue till exhausted. 

Once C02 bubbling starts diminishing, decarbing is around 70% complete. Stop before C02 bubbling ceases for 'Daytime' oil, or let it continue till exhausted for 'Nighttime' oil. 

Open image in new browser tab

*For electric heat sources, use an electric skillet, griddle, fondue maker, any cooking appliances that uses an adjustable control thermostatic power cords for the heat source. I use a Cuisinart skillet for everything.


The RxCE extraction process is a simple change resulting in significant quality improvement over traditional RSO. By re-ordering the sequence of steps and incorporating well-established cooking oil industry techniques such as water degumming and winterization, the process yields a purer, more refined cannabis extract. Being solvent agnostic offers flexibility and cost savings, with isopropyl being a safe and economical alternative to ethanol. The incorporation of distilled water into the wash and rapid winterization steps are the magic in raising the purity of the final product, resulting in higher Total Cannabinoids shown in the lab results.

In QWET, the winterization speed bump is eliminated by moving winterization later on in the process. The process also ensures a robust removal of residual solvents making it a safe option for cannabis medical patients. Its efficient, cost-effective, and safe approach will likely make it a preferred method for cannabis extraction in the industry going forward.

So, does this work? The proof is in the oil!  Raw crude RSO started at 34% potency and has now reached 79% Total Cannabinoids with yield losses are slightly higher than QWET. Unlike RSO, vaping is now possible, providing a smoother and more enjoyable experience for those who prefer inhalation.

The objectives of making faster, cleaner and cheaper cannabis oil has been accomplished!

Further Reading..

A Deep Dive Discussion into RxCE:

RxCE is a simple holistic way to make very clean cannabis oil. The changes can be considered a simple hack on the original recipe. This process contains two improvements to the RSO recipe which doubles the potency of the oil. 

Discovery #1 - Simplified Water Degumming

In the Cooking Oil industry, degumming is a common step in the refinement process for clarifying oil. Phospholipids, a type of lipid molecule, are responsible for building oil and water emulsions thus need to removed. The industry harvests the phospholipids for refinement into Lecithin which is used in cooking. Cannabis trichome cells are the major contributor of phospholipids in solvent based extractions. There is enough to inspire new products like a refined hemp-based lecithin.

Back in 2022, Cannabis Home Sciences introduced degumming in the RSO 2.0 Silting step. This was done by mixing fully saturated salt water into Isopropyl Alcohol which caused the alcohol and water to separate into two layers. The phospholipids being semi-polar, voluntarily separate away from the non-polar alcohol. The semi-polar compounds solidified around salt giving a snow globe effect swirling around then settling into the water.

RxCE simplifies this even further. Instead of using salt to de-gum, distilled water is used to help boil off the alcohol and by it's presence, performs a simple form of water degumming

Phospholipids and plant proteins form sludges and are bad news for RSO and FECO, but removed in the RxCE process. By adding water to distillation, the greenish solution will eventually boil down to oil and water. And as you know, oil and water don't mix. The water holds the polar and semi-polar compounds, while the non-polar oils and resins float in the water. 

This is just the first step. The next discovery is enabled by this water degumming process. Keep reading to find out more!

Discovery #2 - Rapid Winterization

Discovery #2 called Rapid Winterization, is an accelerated version of the winterization process first used in the Cooking Oil industry and popularized by Gray Wolf in his QWISO and QWET processes. Winterization removes unwanted waxes, fats, and phospholipids from oils. Simplified Water Degumming, which was explained earlier, is a crucial step in this process. By removing polar and semi-polar compounds, degumming yields a purer, non-polar form of resin that is ready for winterization. When mixed with polar ethanol, the non-polar liquefied waxes are repelled and compression into smaller spaces as the solution cools. After being placed in the freezer for an hour, the waxes crystallize in the cold polar environment and can be filtered out using a coffee filter or folded napkin.

This new approach to winterization means it can now be done as little as one hour, which is significantly faster than the traditional process that takes anywhere from 12 to 24 hours. Lab tests run over the course of this development show an increasing concentration of Total Cannabinoids derived from these process improvements.

2025 Spring Update: By stopping the first reduction at 87c/190f, the proteins are not denatured, which avoids losses due to heavy emulsions.  The downside is, some waxes now do not freeze at ice water temperatures. The freezer is now required to crystallize all waxes to be removed via filtering but still can be frozen in one hour.  A longer delay is now recommended to wait for the waxes to be filtered out. You can still optimize this as seen in the original approach to reach the finish line in 2-3 hours.

What are Phospholipids, and what is 'Degumming'?

Phospholipids are part of essential lipids found in plant and trichome cell walls that help nutrients pass thru the cell. 'Lipid' refers to a family of molecules that include oils, fats, phospholipids, and waxes. When performing a solvent extraction, alcohol dissolves all lipids it touches, phospholipids included. Problem is, phospholipids are semi-polar and form emulsions which negatively impact the quality of the oil. So, if you extract oils with alcohol, you will dissolve phospholipids into your oil.

Revision History - RxCE Home Page

25/01/24 Revised to the 2025 Spring Update.

24/12/19 In 'What Is the Recommended Solvent' paragraph corrected it to say residual solvents are undetected vs saying there are no residual solvents. 

section24/10/08 Major page restructuring adding history and streamlining the discussion on RxCE.

23/12/04 Clarifying Acetone & Isopropyl discussion.

23/12/03 Clarified Author's note on dangers of artificial sweeteners above and below trace levels.

23/11/26 FOUND! Acetone has a partial GRAS rating! Discussion updated.

23/11/17 Clarifying Acetone & Isopropyl discussion.

23/10/28 Edits on Solvents. Expanding on Acetone.

23/10/04 Expounded on dangers of residual solvents.

23/10/01 Page published.

23/09/20 Page done

23/06/10 Soft release candidate published to the FB group.

   Join our Facebook group to discussions about this process.

WARNING: Never distill alcohol near open flame.  Alcohol vapors are highly flammable so always distill in well ventilated spaces.

This oil is appropriate for oral ingesting and vaping.  Due to the potential of residual salts, do not torch this oil.  Torch temperatures can reach over 760c/1400f and can vaporize any residual salts. 

Disclaimer:  Your use of any information or materials on the C.H.S. Website is entirely at your own risk, for which we shall not be held liable. It shall be your own responsibility to ensure safe use and operation of any processes, products, services or information made available through C.H.S publications and Website.